When experiencing web application issues, you can use the following procedure to collect a trace of the web application engine, and then analyze the trace file.
Configuring the BIG-IP APM to capture a web application session to a trace file
Have a user who is assigned the affected web application log in to the BIG-IP APM.
Log in to the BIG-IP command line.
To obtain the user's session ID, type the following command, where <username> is the logon name of the user from Step 1:
sessiondump -allkeys | grep <username>
For example:
65a6b075.session.assigned.uuid 26 tmm.uuid.AD-Basic.jsmith
65a6b075.session.logon.ad_auth_and_resources_act_logon_page_ag.username 8 jsmith
65a6b075.session.logon.last.username 8 jsmith
The session ID appears at the beginning of the line of output. In the example above, the session ID for the user jsmith is 65a6b075.
Enable a web applications trace for the session ID you recorded above by typing the following command, where <session-id> is the session ID recorded in Step 3.
tmsh modify /sys db "log.webapplications.trace.sessionid" { value "<session-id>" }
For example:
tmsh modify /sys db "log.webapplications.trace.sessionid" { value "65a6b075" }
Have the user access the affected web application.
After the user has accessed the application, change directories to the directory of the webtrace by entering the following command:
cd /var/tmp/WebAppTrace/<sessionid>
In this command, note the following:
<sessionid> is the user's session ID
For example:
cd /var/tmp/WebAppTrace/65a6b075/
To create the webtrace.tgz file and add the webtrace data, enter the following command: